
Cii to the Reng, CIRENG

Waah sudah lama banget gak nulis disini, akhirnya nulis lagi.

Senin kemarin, mumpung disini masih libur, akhirnya keinginan untuk bikin cireng bisa terealisasi juga.

Sudah dari bulan lalu kayaknya saya save video cara membuat cireng dari facebook. Akhirnya kejadian juga nih masak cireng sendiri. Kalau di Jakarta mah, tinggal melipir ke tempat nyokap ngajar, jajanan SD apa aja ada, termasuk si cireng ini.

Baiklah, ini dia resep hasil modifikasi saya sendiri.

Bahan :

– 200-250 gr tepung tapioka (beli 1 kantong yang isinya 500 gr trus ditumplekin kurang lebih separuhnya)

– 3sdm tepung tapioka untuk biang.

– 2 batang daun bawang, iris tipis bagian hijaunya.

– Garam, gula dan merica sesuai selera.

– 1 sdt ketumbar bubuk.

– 3 siung bawang putih, diparut/diulek halus.

– 150 ml air.

– Minyak untuk menggoreng.

Cara membuat :

1. Campur semua bahan kering (tepung tapioka, garam, gula, merica, ketumbar bubuk dan daun bawang). Aduk rata, jangan lupa dicicip biar rasanya pas di lidah.

2. Buat biang, campur 3 sdm tepung tapioka, parutan bawang putih dengan 150 ml air, aduk dan masak sampai berubah warna agak bening dan lengket.

3. Campur bahan kering dengan biang dan uleni sampai tercampur rata. Tangan saya super lengket disini. Siasati dengan melumuri tangan dengan tepung tapiokanya.

4. Bentuk adonan pipih-pipih, lebih enak tipis karena setelah digoreng jadi lebih crunchy.

5. Goreng dalam rendaman minyak panas sampai matang, kira-kira 2-3 menit.

Jadi deh. Krauk krauuk.. Saya cocolnya pakai saos sambel campur saos tomat. Enaknya jajanan kampung.. 🙂



Ayam Rica Rica khas Manado | Super Spicy Rica Rica Chicken Stew from Manado

Siang kemarin, saya tetiba kepingin makan masakan yang pedes-pedes, terus browsing dan jadi pingin makan Ayam Rica Rica khas Manado yang pedes banget itu tapi bumbunya muaaanteeep. Untuk yang belum pernah denger atau tahu, Ayam Rica Rica Manado itu salah satu masakan khas Manado, ibu kota Sulawesi Utara, salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang rasanya pedas tapi segar dan enyaak banget.

Yesterday, I felt the urge to eat something super spicy, then I browsed the internet and I want to eat the super spicy Ayam Rica Rica khas Manado. For you who never heard or know, Ayam Rica Rica Manado is one of the local cuisine from Manado, the capital city of North Sulawesi, one of province in Indonesia. This local cuisine from Manado famously known as a super spicy hot but fresh and tasty.

Akhirnya ketemu resep yang pas dengan bahan-bahan yang ada di kulkas dan dimodifikasi sedikit. Secara baru ini perdana bikin Ayam Rica Rica Manado, langsung simpen di wordpress biar kalau mau bikin lagi gak nyariin mbah Google melulu.. Hehee..

I finally found the right recipe for me, and modified it a bit. Since this is my very first time made this food, I want to keep the recipe save in wordpress, so the next time i want to make this food again, i don’t need to browsing for the recipe in Google. 

Ayam Rica Rica khas Manado

Ayam Rica Rica khas Manado

Bahan-bahan :

  • 2 potong dada & 2 potong paha atas, bersihkan, rendam air jeruk lemon dan taburi garam, bisa langsung digoreng setengah mateng kalau mau kulitnya agak krispi, tapi karena pengen yang sehat, saya langsung rebus aja sama bumbunya.
  • 1 batang serai, geprek
  • 2 cm ruas jahe, geprek
  • 5 lembar daun jeruk
  • 1 batang daun bawang atau 1 ikat daun ketumbar, cincang kasar (disini ga ketemu daun kemangi)
  • Tomat 1 buah yang ukuran besar, potong kasar
  • 1 – 2 sdm minyak goreng untuk menumis

Ingredients :

  • 2 piece of chicken breast and 2 piece of chicken thigh, clean, squeezed a lemon and salt on top. If you want to make the skin crisp, you can fry it first for about 3-5 minutes each side. If you want healthy dish, like I did, just stew the chicken with the seasoning.
  • 1 stem of lemon grass, trimmed, bruised.
  • 2 cm fresh ginger, peeled, bruised.
  • 5 lime leaves.
  • 1 bunch of spring onion, or coriander leaves, coarsely chopped.
  • 1 tomato, coarsely chopped.
  • 1 – 2 tablespoon of cooking oil

Bumbu halus:

  • Cabe merah besar 6 – 8 buah, buang bijinya (pedasnya sesuai selera yaa, disini cabe merahnya udah pedes jadi ga pake cabe rawit atau cabe keriting lagi)
  • Bawang merah 4 – 6 siung
  • Garam (sesuai selera)

Seasoning, blend together in food processor :

  • 6 – 8 long red chilli
  • 4 – 6 shallot
  • Salt (according to taste)

Cara Memasak :

  1. Panaskan wajan dengan minyak, tumis bumbu halus hingga harum. Masukkan jahe, serai, daun jeruk dan garam, cek rasanya.
  2. Masukkan ayam, aduk-aduk sampai ayam tertutup bumbu, tambahkan air kurang lebih 250 ml. Didihkan dan kecilkan api. Masak hingga ayam matang.
  3. Terakhir, masukkan irisan tomat dan daun bawang / daun ketumbar. Aduk sebentar. Jadi deh!

Cooking Method :

  1. Pour the cooking oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat. Stir-fry the blended seasoning until the mixture is aromatic. Add the ginger, lemon grass, lime leaves and salt into the mixture. 
  2. Place the chicken into the frying pan, and stir to coat with the seasoning. Add the water, bring to boil and reduce the heat and simmer until the chicken is cook. 
  3. Last, add tomato, spring onion or coriander leaves, stir for a second. And it’s done!

Angkat dan sajikan dengan nasi putih hangat atau seperti saya kemarin, campur dengan spaghetti, wortel dan bok choy rebus, nikmat juga lho! Selamat menikmati!

Spaghetti with Ayam Rica Rica

Spaghetti with Ayam Rica Rica

Serve with warm rice or, you can serve it with spagheti, like I did yesterday, mixed with steamed carrots and bok choy, very tasty! Enjoy!

My First Experience Gardening: Lemon Dwarf and Mini Roses

Our new family member: Lemon Dwarf and Mini Roses

                    Our new family member: Lemon Dwarf and Mini Roses

Di Jakarta, orang tua dan mertua saya punya taman besar di sekeliling rumah. Papa dan ibu mertua memang hobby berkebun. Saya juga suka sih dengan taman yang hijau, tapi gak pernah kepikiran tuh untuk berkebun di rumah kita yang di Serpong, walau sebenarnya kita punya space kecil untuk area kebun di depan rumah. Mungkin karena saya dan Yan bekerja dan kalau wiken kita lebih cenderung memilih untuk menghabiskan waktu libur kita untuk nonton di bioskop atau jalan-jalan ke mall daripada berkebun.

Back in Jakarta, both my parents and my in law’s house have a big garden. My dad and my mother in law loves gardening. I definitely love garden and greenery, but I never thought to do gardening in our house in Serpong, though we have a small area of garden in front of the house. Maybe because I and Yan are working and on weekend we tend to go to a movie or shopping mall, we never thought gardening will be an option to spend our weekend.

Semenjak pindah dan menetap di Sydney, kita menghuni apartemen mungil tapi dengan balkon yang cukup besar. Tiba-tiba saya suka kangen bangun tidur pagi-pagi, nge-teh atau ngopi,tinggal buka pintu, duduk di teras rumah ortu atau rumah mertua, menghirup udara pagi dikelilingi kebun yang hijau dan rindang. Dan juga, di Sydney, kita gak terlalu suka ke mal sini, gak tahu kenapa yah. Mungkin karena mal disini menurut saya lebih kecil dalam hal luasan kalau dibanding mal-mal di Jakarta. Dan ada satu hal yang menurut saya lucu, disini mal jarang yang menyatu dengan bioskop atau fasilitas hiburan lain seperti skating rink seperti di Mal Taman Anggrek, atau sekedar taman super luas komplit dengan kolam ikan seperti di Central Park Mal atau Summarecon Mal Serpong. Oooh, jadi rindu jalan-jalan ke mal-mal di Jakarta..

Since we moved to Sydney, we live in small apartment with a big balcony. Then suddenly, I kinda miss woke up in the morning, sipping tea or coffee, open the door and sit in the terrace in my dad’s and mom in law’s garden. Then also, here in Sydney, we don’t really like go to shopping mall, I don’t know why. Maybe because the shopping mall here is consider small in space compare to a shopping mall back in Jakarta. And one funny thing, I think, shopping mall here is rarely integrated with movie cinema or other entertainment activity like skating rink like in Mall Taman Anggrek or just an open outdoor massive garden complete with fish pond like in Central Park and Summarecon Mall Serpong. Oooh I miss Jakarta ‘s shopping mall so much..

Ok. Cukup sudah dengan ngobrolin kerinduan saya nongkrong di mal-mal Jakarta. Kembali ke masalah berkebun, jadi saya selalu berpikir untuk punya taman mungil di balkon apartemen, lengkap dengan tanaman hijau, tanaman berbunga dan tanaman berbuah, yang bisa saya panen buah atau tanaman herba nya pas lagi butuh untuk masak. Jadi, inilah awal mulanya keinginan saya membuat taman yang bisa menghasilkan buah atau herba di balkon sendiri agar menjadi kenyataan.

Ok. Done with this missing Jakarta shopping mall non-sense talking. Back to gardening, so, I always think about having a small garden in my balcony, full with the greenery plant, flowery and fruiting plant that I can pick my own fruit or herbs when I need one to cook. So, this is the beginning of making my green self-produce garden balcony come true.

September 28, 2014, Yan membelikan hadiah ulang tahun (walaupun telat sebulan, saya tetap happy dan kegirangan) berupa dua pot tanaman, tanaman lemon dwarf dan mawar mini. Saya benar-benar girang. Kita membelinya dari Bunnings yang deket rumah. karena kita, saat ini, belum punya mobil, kita bawa 2 pot tanaman ini menggunakan trolley Bunnings dan jalan kurang lebih 2 km.. Capeknya gak kerasa karena girang.. ;D

My balcony garden

               My balcony garden

On September 28, 2014, Yan bought me my birthday gift (a month late, but still happy and excited), our two first plants, my precious lemon dwarf and my mini rose. I am super happy. We bought it from Bunnings near our neighborhood. Since we don’t have car, yet, we bring the plant using Bunnings trolley, walk, about 2 km.. Don’t feel tired at all because of the excitement.. ;D

Kita beli Lemon Dwarf yang sudah berbunga. Tanaman mawar mininya juga udah punya 3 kuncup bunga. Kita berharap mereka segera berbunga dan berbuah, jadi kita bisa nyobain jus lemon dan menghirup aroma bunga mawar pink. Ini dia beberapa fotonya pas pertama kali dua tanaman ini menjadi anggota baru keluarga kita.

We bought Lemon Dwarf that already has flower buds on it. The mini roses have three flower buds. We definitely hope they’ll grow fast and we can taste the lemon juice and smell the sweet fragrant of the pinkish mini roses. Here are some of the photos when our Lemon Dwarf and mini roses added to our family member.

Three Rose Buds

                     Three Rose Buds

Bakso Ayam | Chicken Meatballs

Bakso Ayam | Chicken Meatball Soup

Bakso Ayam | Chicken Meatball Soup

Setelah percobaan pertama kali mencoba membuat bakso sapi sukses, saya jadi lebih penasaran bagaimana yah caranya membuat bakso ayam yang enak. Akan sukses juga gak yah di usaha pertama membuat bakso ayam? Setelah menghabiskan bakso sapi yang kemarin saya buat (di blog terakhir tentang bakso sapi, saya membuat sekitar 30 bakso dan saya simpan di kulkas selama kurang lebih 3 hari dan masih enak..) dan Yan harus mengurangi konsumsi daging sapi, akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk kembali membuat bakso, kali ini bakso ayam. Di bayangan saya sih, bakso ayam yang enak itu harus lembut dan empuk pas digigit.. Aaaah.. udah mulai ngiler.. Hehee..  Ini dia resepnya..

After my first attempt made beef meatball was successful, I’m more curious how to make a tasty chicken meatball. Are my first attempt to make chicken meatballs also gonna be successful? After ate my last beef meatball (on my last blog about beef meatball, I made about 30 meatballs, and I keep it in fridge for about 3 days, and still yummy..) and since Yan couldn’t eat beef for a while, I decided to make this chicken meatball. In my imagination, this tasty chicken meatballs must be more soft and tender in my mouth. Oooh.. already drooling..  Hahaa.. So here’s the recipes..

Resep Bakso Ayam | Chicken Meatballs Recipes
– 500 gr daging ayam cincang | 500 gram minced chicken
– 125 ml air es | 125 ml cold water
– 1-2 sdt lada putih | 1-2 tsp white pepper
– 1 sdt garam atau sesuai selera | 1 tsp salt or according to your taste
– 1 sdt gula atau sesuai selera | 1 tsp sugar or according to your taste
– 2 sdm tepung maizena |2 tbsp cornstarch flour

Resep Kuah Bakso | Meatball Broth Recipes
– Air sisa rebusan bakso, tambahkan 500 ml air lagi | Water left from boiled meatballs, add another 500 ml water
– 500 ml air rebusan tulang ayam | 500 ml of water stewed from chicken bones
– 2 sdm bawang goreng, ulek halus | 1 tbsp fried shallots, crushed
– 2 butir bawang putih, goreng dan ulek halus | 4 garlic cloves, fried and crushed
– 1-2 sdt lada putih| 1 tsp white pepper
– 1-2 sdt garam | 1-2 tsp salt
– 1-2 sdt gula |1-2 tsp sugar
– 1 sdt kaldu ayam bubuk | 1 tsp chicken stock powder
– 1-2 ikat daun bawang | 1-2 bunch spring onion

Cara memasak | Cooking method:

Bakso Ayam | Chicken Meatballs
1. Campur daging ayam cincang dengan 5 sdm air es, aduk rata , sisihkan.
 Mix minced chicken and add gradually 5 tbsp of cold water , stir well and set aside.
2. Campur semua bumbu di dalam wadah yang terpisah, dan tambahkan sisa air es, kemudian campur ke dalam adonan ayam, aduk rata.
Mix all the spices into a different bowl , add gradually the rest of cold water, then add these spices mix into the chicken dough, stir well.
3. Masukkan ke dalam kulkas selama kurang lebih 30 menit.
Put the dough in the fridge for about 30 minutes.
4. Siapkan panci berisi air, masak sampai air mendidih, kemudian kecilkan apinya.
Prepare a pot of water, cook until the water boil, then reduce the heat.
5. Setelah 30 menit, keluarkan adonan dari kulkas. Ambil kurang lebih 1 sdm adonan, dan bentuk bulat dengan mengepalkan jari, lalu masukkan ke dalam panci berisi air panas. Lakukan sampai adonan habis.
After 30 minutes, remove the dough from fridge. Take about 1 tablespoon of dough, and shape round with clenched fingers, then put in a pot of hot water. Do it until the dough runs out.
6. Tiriskan butiran-butiran bakso. Sekarang saatnya membuat kuah bakso yang sedap.
Drain the meatballs. Now it’s time to make the delicious meatballs broth.

Kuah Bakso | Meatball broth
1. Rebus 500 ml air dengan tulang ayam. Campur dengan air sisa rebusan bakso.
Boiled the water left from steamed meatballs, add another 500 ml water.
2. Campur bawang merah goreng dan bawang putih yang sudah dihaluskan, masukkan ke dalam air rebusan air.
Mixed the crushed shallots and garlic together, put into the boiled water.
3. Tambahkan semua bumbu, sesuai dengan selera.
Add all the spices, according to your taste.
4. Tambahkan irisan kasar daun bawang, aduk rata.
Add chopped spring onion, stir well.

Kamu bisa menambahkan mie telor atau bihun, atau sayur kesukaanmu seperti kubis atau pok choy untuk pelengkap makanan bakso. Jangan lupa taburi bakso dengan bawang goreng, irisan seledri atau daun bawang, jika suka.
You can add noodle or rice vermicelli, your favorite veggies such as Chinese cabbage or Bok Choy to complete your meal. Don’t forget to sprinkle your meatballs soup with fried shallots, chopped celery or spring onion, if you like.

Memang kalau cuaca dingin (di Sydney,  sedang perpindahan cuaca dari dingin ke dingin banget, dari musim semi ke musim dingin.. )enaknya makan makanan yang menghangatkan seperti bakso dengan kuah panas! Sluurrsp! Selamat makan bakso!
If the weather is cold (here in Sydney, the weather is gradually change from cold to super cold, from autumn to winter.. ) I do really crave for eating hot and comfort food, for me, meatball soup is one of my fave, with hot and tasty broth! Sluurrsp! Enjoy your hot meatballs soup!

My homemade ‘Abang-abang Meatballs’ | Bakso Abang-abang

Meatballs with Rice Vermicelli and Chinese Cabbage. Yum!

Meatballs with Rice Vermicelli and Chinese Cabbage. Add fried shallots on top. Yum!

Resep Bakso | Meatballs Recipes :

  • 500 gr daging sapi cincang Australia | 500 gram Australian minced beef
  • ½ butir bawang Bombay, iris halus | ½ brown onion, chopped thinly
  • 3-4 butir bawang putih, iris halus | 3-4 tsp minced garlic
  • 1-2 sdt lada hitam | 1-2 tsp black pepper
  • 1-2 sdt lada putih | 1-2 tsp white pepper
  • 1-2 sdt garam | 1-2 tsp salt
  • ½ sdt gula | ½ tsp sugar
  • 2 sdm tepung maizena |2 tbsp cornstarch flour
  • 1 telur ukuran sedang | 1 medium egg
  • 2 lembar roti tawar atau roti gandum | 2 slices multigrain sandwich
  • 100 ml susu putih | 100 ml milk
Homemade Meatballs

Homemade Meatballs

Resep kuah kaldu sapi | Beef broth Recipes :

  • 1 sdm bawang goreng, ulek halus | 1 tbsp fried shallots, crushed
  • 4 butir bawang putih, goreng dan ulek halus | 4 garlic cloves, fried and crushed
  • 1 sdt lada putih | 1 tsp white pepper
  • 1-2 sdt garam | 1-2 tsp salt
  • 1-2 sdt gula |1-2 tsp sugar
  • 1 sdt kadlu sapi bubuk | 1 tsp beef stock powder
  • 1-2 ikat daun bawang, iris kasar | 1-2 bunch spring onion, sliced
  • 1-2 ikat seledri, iris kasar | 1-2 bunch celery, sliced
  • Air sisa kukusan bakso, tambahkan 500 ml air lagi | Water left from steamed meatballs, add another 500 ml water

Cara memasak Bakso | Cooking method of Meatballs :

  • Campur susu dan roti tawar, aduk sampai roti hancur, sisihkan | Mix the milk and bread, stir until bread crumble and set aside
  • Campur semua bahan ke dalam adonan roti, aduk rata, bentuk bulat-bulat | Mix all the ingredients into a bread dough, stir well, make a round shape
  • Siapkan kukusan, kukus bakso selama 10-15 menit. Sisihkan. | Prepare the steamer (I used rice cooker steamer), steam the meatballs for 10-15 minutes. Set aside.

Cara memasak Kuah kaldu sapi | Cooking method of Beef broth :

  • Didihkan air sisa kukusan bakso, kemudian tambahkan 500 ml air | Boiled the water left from steamed meatballs, add another 500 ml water
  • Campur hasil tumbukan bawang merah goreng dan bawang putih goreng ke dalam air mendidih | Mixed the crushed shallots and garlic together, put into the boiled water.
  • Tambahkan daun bawang dan seledri | Add spring onion and celery bunch, stir
  • Tambahkan semua bumbu, rasakan, sesuai selera | Add all the spices, according to your taste.
  • Kalau kamu suka, kamu bisa menambahkan bihun atau mie kuning, sawi putih atau sawi hijau sebagai pelengkap | If you like, you can add rice vermicelli or egg noddle and also steamed Chinese cabbage or Bok Choy as a complementary
  • Untuk penambah rasa, saya menambahkan bawang goreng dan 1 sdt cabe hijau ulek. | For extra flavor, I add fried shallots on top and add 1 tsp of hot green chili sambal I brought from Jakarta.

Yum! Selamat menikmati Bakso Abang-abang! | Yum! Enjoy your Meatballs or in Indonesia we called this Bakso abang-abang.

Martabak Manis| Sweet Martabak| Sweet Thick Pancake

Sweet martabak or martabak manis is one of authentic Indonesian sweet snack or camilan that I love and one of the famous street food in Indonesia. Martabak Bangka, Martabak 99, Martabak Terang Bulan and many more is just some of the famous brand of martabak. Back in Jakarta, you can find the martabak food stalls in every single corner of street. In my home in Serpong, you can just call or text messaging the ‘abang-abang’ or the seller and get the martabak delivery to your door. Hmm.. I wish this could happen in Sydney.. 😀

My home made sweet martabak

       My home made sweet martabak

Here in Sydney, you can find this sweet martabak, but only in some places like in Chinatown or some area. Since I’m new here, and live in Rockdale, 15 minutes by train to city, and suddenly I craved this sweet tasty fatty gooey sweet martabak, I decided made this on my own, home made, by my magic hand. *SUPER DROOLING* And I remember, one of my high schoolmates, Christa, posting the recipes on Facebook, and I change a little bit about the ingredients. So here’s the recipes..

Martabak Manis | Sweet martabak or Sweet Thick Pancake

Bahan-bahan: | Ingredients:

500 gr tepung terigu | 500 gr plain flour
150 gr gula pasir |150 gr sugar
2 butir telur, kocok lepas | 2 eggs, beaten off
650 ml air dingin | 650 ml cold water
1 sdt baking powder | 1 tsp baking powder
1 sdt ragi instan | 1 tsp instant yeast
1 sdt vanilla essence | 1 tsp vanilla essence
½ sdt garam  | ½ tsp salt
1 sdm margarine, cairkan | 1 tbs margarine or butter, melted
Coklat meises | chocolate sprinkles
Kacang tanah atau almond, potong-potong atau yang lebih mudah bisa menggunakan selai kacang | peanut or almond, chopped or peanut butter jam for the easy simple way
Biji wijen | sesame seed

Cara membuat : | Cooking method :

  • Ayak tepung terigu | Sift flour
  • Campur dalam mangkuk besar : tepung terigu yang sudah diayak, gula pasir, garam,  ragi instan. Aduk rata | Mix in large bowl: sifted flour, sugar, salt, instant yeast. Stir well
  • Masukkan telur yang sudah dikocok dan margarine yang sudah dicairkan. Aduk rata | Put beaten eggs and melted margarine into the mixing bowl. Stir well manually or use mixer with medium speed
  • Masukkan air dingin sedikit demi sedikit sambil aduk adonan sampai tercampur rata dan lembut | Pour the cold water gradually while stirring the dough until well blended and creamy
  • Masukkan vanilla essence, aduk rata | Put the vanilla essence into the mixing bowl and stir well
  • Terakhir masukkan baking powder dan diamkan ± 1 jam | Finally enter the baking powder and let stand ± 1 hour
  • Setelah ± 1 jam aduk kembali adonan | After ± 1 hour, stir the dough back
  • Panaskan wajan datar anti lengket dengan api panas, oleskan margarine pada permukaannya | Heat a non-stick flat pan with a high hot stove, spread margarine on the surface
  • Tuang adonan sebanyak 1 cangkir teh atau sesuai selera (tebal atau tipisnya sesuai selera) | Pour the dough by 1 cup of tea or to taste (thick or thin according to taste)
  • Kecilkan api, tutup wajan (sebaiknya gunakan tutup kaca agar mudah melihat adonan) | Lower the heat, cover the pan (use a glass lid so you can easily see the dough)
  • Bila sudah ada gelembung-gelembung pada permukaan adonan, taburi dengan gula pasir dan tutup kembali wajan | When bubbles exists on the surface of the dough, sprinkle with sugar and close the pan
  • Setelah matang (cek permukaan dan bagian belakang adonan agar tidak gosong) angkat | Once cooked (check the back surface and the dough to prevent burning) lift the martabak
  • Potong martabak menjadi 2 bagian. Olesi permukaan dengan mentega asin | Cut into 2 parts. Spread the surface with salted butter
  • Taburi permukaan martabak dengan coklat meises, kacang tanah cincang (saya sendiri menggunakan kacang almond cincang yang sudah disangrai) atau keju parut (karena saya tidak terlalu suka keju dan kebetulan sedang tidak ada di kulkas, jadi saya skip keju) dan biji wijen yang sudah disangrai. Kemudian lipat menjadi 2 bagian dan potong-potong sesuai selera | Sprinkle with chocolate meises or chocochips, chopped peanuts (I am using chopped almonds that have been roasted) or grated cheese (because I do not really like cheese and happened not to be there in the fridge, so I skip the cheese) and sesame seeds have been roasted. Then fold it into 2 parts and cut according to taste
  • Olesi kembali permukaan dengan mentega | Spread the back surface of martabak with butter
  • Selamat makan! | Bon appetite
Sweet martabak with peanut butter, chocolate sprinkles and sesame seed

Sweet martabak with peanut butter, chocolate sprinkles and sesame seed

Neon Nomads, Digital Tipi in Art&About Sydney

Today we finally have time to see one of artworks on the arts festival in Sydney, Art and About Sydney. This is a collaborative arts festival where you can find artwork creation in every unusual place you can imagine, from street, building site, intersection, park and every other place. The Art and About Sydney festival will be held from 19 September to 12 October. So, I still have time to check out other artworks.

After I did some research on the website, we decided to check the Neon Nomads curated by Celina Stang and Luca Ionescu at Hyde Park. Neon Nomads is a nomadic art gallery sets in Hyde Park. The art installation is a five digital tipi or teepee, (a conical tent made of animal skins and wooden poles, usually used as an Indian home), projects a digital imagery by LED lights and sound reflecting humanity, freedom and technology.

It was really creative and for me, is a great experience just to watch the colorful moving imagery. Actually, I’m amazed by the images and hear the sounds and make my own interpretation on the artworks. One tipi or teepee wasn’t just display one moving images, but there’s many different images and I got sucked into this artworks. Weird eh!


I just stood there, moving from one tipi to another, pictured the tipi, record the images, FOR HOURS, in Hyde Park, which is very cold at 7 PM. Yan being cold (is already bored after 20 minutes), decided to sit on the corner. The Neon Nomads visions in humanity, freedom and technology really well-presented on the digital tipi.

I should see the other artworks before it ends on 12 October. 



Queuing, using escalator on public places and saying ‘Thanks’ or ‘Excuse me’ or ‘Sorry’

Hi there! On my previous blogs, I’ve told you about Daily Life of a Pedestrian in Sydney. This one is my other stories about the differences between living in Jakarta and Sydney. I’m gonna talking about three things that is very important in Sydney’s daily life, queuing, using escalator on public places and saying ‘Thanks’ or ‘Excuse me’ or ‘Sorry’.

1. Queuing
Unlike in Jakarta, which is very lack in queuing culture, here in Sydney, the community has been very conscious of the queue, and has become a positive habit. For example, queuing at ATM, queuing at public toilet, queuing to buy food, lined up on the bus, train and so on. Once I went to shopping mall toilet, I didn’t stand near the queue because I washed hand and there’s a long queuing, and before me there’s a mothers also want to use the toilet, she politely asked me if I also want to use the toilet. Wooow .. if I was in one of shopping mall in Jakarta, my queuing line would probably have been steel and that somebody would put the innocent face and just enter the toilet..

2. Using escalator on public places
There is one more thing that I observed in Sydney’s shopping malls, train stations or in other public places, and in my opinion this habits should be imitated and applied in Jakarta or other cities in Indonesia. When using escalators, people in Sydney are spontaneously stand on the left side of escalators to let others have their way, if they’re in a hurry or looking the fastest way up to the next floor. Trivial isn’t it, but make real sense.. Because you don’t own the escalator.. 😀

3. Saying ‘Thanks’ or ‘Excuse me’ or ‘Sorry’
It also makes me feel inferior because to be honest, I am not used to saying these 3 things to people you do not know in Jakarta or Indonesia. You just saying that to people you know. Here, it seems that most people used to thanking others. For example, when you ride the public buses, everyone who’s ride the bus will say ‘Thanks man!’ or ‘Thanks mate!’, although they seat far behind. In Jakarta, you didn’t used to say ‘Thank you’ to supir angkot or the public transport driver. Example on saying ‘Excuse me’ is when you walking on the pedestrian way and you want to passed people in front of you, you practically would say ‘Excuse me’ or if you were in supermarket aisle and you accidentally bumping other’s trolley, they will automatically saying ‘I’m sorry’ and smiles.

Try this in Jakarta, and if you got bumped by trolley on supermarket or even by their foot, or for worst, someone hit your car, they pretending don’t know and don’t realize it and don’t feel any guilty and just runaway. Really annoying!!! If you do this in Sydney, you would be probably labeled rude and disrespectful with others. This positive attitude should be a good example and followed if I returned back to Indonesia and I’ll try my best to do the positive habits while I’m here in Sydney.

Perkedel or Potato Beef Ball

Perkedel or potato beef ball is authentic Indonesian food, that’s so easy to made, You just need a large bowl, fork (and some extra effort to crush the steamed potatoes) and a frying pan of course. Since I’m still new here (already 2 months), and not yet buy my sophisticated kitchen appliances like blender, food grinder, and so on. I feel if I buy it would be a waste of money, since I have everything back in Jakarta. *CRY* *CRY AGAIN OUT LOUD* Wish I could bring all of that to Sydney if I have 150 kg baggage limit.

Why did I suddenly making these potato beef ball? I bought 3 kg discounted potato bags on Coles ! *AGAIN* Thanks Coles.. Hahaaa… Wondering if I and Yan eating this for a whole week.. Or I just need to find different recipes using potatoes.. Or we change into potato head monsters because we eating to much potatoes.. *OOOOH!!! I just remember my nightmare last night, we both got flu and we changed into this monster with look-liked potato bud all over our skin.. Is it because we eating too much potatoes?* *WEIRDDREAM* It shouldn’t be nightmare though.. Hahahaa..

Enough for this silly imagination, here is the recipes 🙂

Perkedel or Potato Beef Ball
(For ± 20 pieces)

Preparation time        : ± 20 minutes
Cooking time             : ± 20 minutes

3-4 potatoes
1-2 spring onion, sliced
2 egg yolk
Ground meet
2 garlic cloves, crushed
½ brown onion, finely sliced
2 teaspoon corn flour (cornstarch)
Canola oil or olive oil

1 teaspoon sugar
2-3 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
The amount of seasoning is according to personal taste



  • Wash and clean the potatoes and peel the skin
  • Steamed potatoes until cooked and soft
  • Put the potatoes into a large bowl, blend with fork (if you want the easy way, use food processor) until smooth, set aside


  • Finely sliced ​​garlic and onions
  • Preheat the pan, pour 1 teaspoon of oil
  • Stir-fry sliced ​​garlic and brown onions until the fragrant out
  • Put ground meat, stir-fry until it changes color, turn off the heat, let stand until cool

Mixing potatoes and seasoning

  • Separate egg yolks from egg whites
  • Put egg yolks into a bowl with the potatoes and stir well
  • Put stir meat and onion, sugar, salt and pepper
  • Stir until all ingredients are well blended
  • Put the egg whites in a separate bowl
  • Shape the dough into a round form and press gently
  • Dip into egg whites

Cooking time

  • Preheat the pan, pour oil
  • Fry potatoes beef ball until the dough runs out
  • Eat it with chili, tomato or sweet and sour sauce

Bon appetite!

Perkedel or Potato Beef Ball

                                    – Perkedel or Potato Beef Ball –