Ayam Rica Rica khas Manado | Super Spicy Rica Rica Chicken Stew from Manado

Siang kemarin, saya tetiba kepingin makan masakan yang pedes-pedes, terus browsing dan jadi pingin makan Ayam Rica Rica khas Manado yang pedes banget itu tapi bumbunya muaaanteeep. Untuk yang belum pernah denger atau tahu, Ayam Rica Rica Manado itu salah satu masakan khas Manado, ibu kota Sulawesi Utara, salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang rasanya pedas tapi segar dan enyaak banget.

Yesterday, I felt the urge to eat something super spicy, then I browsed the internet and I want to eat the super spicy Ayam Rica Rica khas Manado. For you who never heard or know, Ayam Rica Rica Manado is one of the local cuisine from Manado, the capital city of North Sulawesi, one of province in Indonesia. This local cuisine from Manado famously known as a super spicy hot but fresh and tasty.

Akhirnya ketemu resep yang pas dengan bahan-bahan yang ada di kulkas dan dimodifikasi sedikit. Secara baru ini perdana bikin Ayam Rica Rica Manado, langsung simpen di wordpress biar kalau mau bikin lagi gak nyariin mbah Google melulu.. Hehee..

I finally found the right recipe for me, and modified it a bit. Since this is my very first time made this food, I want to keep the recipe save in wordpress, so the next time i want to make this food again, i don’t need to browsing for the recipe in Google. 

Ayam Rica Rica khas Manado

Ayam Rica Rica khas Manado

Bahan-bahan :

  • 2 potong dada & 2 potong paha atas, bersihkan, rendam air jeruk lemon dan taburi garam, bisa langsung digoreng setengah mateng kalau mau kulitnya agak krispi, tapi karena pengen yang sehat, saya langsung rebus aja sama bumbunya.
  • 1 batang serai, geprek
  • 2 cm ruas jahe, geprek
  • 5 lembar daun jeruk
  • 1 batang daun bawang atau 1 ikat daun ketumbar, cincang kasar (disini ga ketemu daun kemangi)
  • Tomat 1 buah yang ukuran besar, potong kasar
  • 1 – 2 sdm minyak goreng untuk menumis

Ingredients :

  • 2 piece of chicken breast and 2 piece of chicken thigh, clean, squeezed a lemon and salt on top. If you want to make the skin crisp, you can fry it first for about 3-5 minutes each side. If you want healthy dish, like I did, just stew the chicken with the seasoning.
  • 1 stem of lemon grass, trimmed, bruised.
  • 2 cm fresh ginger, peeled, bruised.
  • 5 lime leaves.
  • 1 bunch of spring onion, or coriander leaves, coarsely chopped.
  • 1 tomato, coarsely chopped.
  • 1 – 2 tablespoon of cooking oil

Bumbu halus:

  • Cabe merah besar 6 – 8 buah, buang bijinya (pedasnya sesuai selera yaa, disini cabe merahnya udah pedes jadi ga pake cabe rawit atau cabe keriting lagi)
  • Bawang merah 4 – 6 siung
  • Garam (sesuai selera)

Seasoning, blend together in food processor :

  • 6 – 8 long red chilli
  • 4 – 6 shallot
  • Salt (according to taste)

Cara Memasak :

  1. Panaskan wajan dengan minyak, tumis bumbu halus hingga harum. Masukkan jahe, serai, daun jeruk dan garam, cek rasanya.
  2. Masukkan ayam, aduk-aduk sampai ayam tertutup bumbu, tambahkan air kurang lebih 250 ml. Didihkan dan kecilkan api. Masak hingga ayam matang.
  3. Terakhir, masukkan irisan tomat dan daun bawang / daun ketumbar. Aduk sebentar. Jadi deh!

Cooking Method :

  1. Pour the cooking oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat. Stir-fry the blended seasoning until the mixture is aromatic. Add the ginger, lemon grass, lime leaves and salt into the mixture. 
  2. Place the chicken into the frying pan, and stir to coat with the seasoning. Add the water, bring to boil and reduce the heat and simmer until the chicken is cook. 
  3. Last, add tomato, spring onion or coriander leaves, stir for a second. And it’s done!

Angkat dan sajikan dengan nasi putih hangat atau seperti saya kemarin, campur dengan spaghetti, wortel dan bok choy rebus, nikmat juga lho! Selamat menikmati!

Spaghetti with Ayam Rica Rica

Spaghetti with Ayam Rica Rica

Serve with warm rice or, you can serve it with spagheti, like I did yesterday, mixed with steamed carrots and bok choy, very tasty! Enjoy!